• Gabi Domenig - Adam & Eve in Paradise Poster Kunstdruck - Gabi Domenig, Lienz, Österreich Wandbild

Lienz, Österreich

Gabi Domenig - Adam & Eve in Paradise

2,880.00 €


Material: Acryl auf Leinwand
Entstehungsjahr: 2011
Grösse: 140 x 100 x 2 cm
Rahmung: keine, aber Ränder bemalt. Aufhängung ohne Rahmen möglich.

Über das Werk: An alabaster nordic Eve with flowing red hair on the hand of her black Adam, born in the cradle of humanity. In Africa. A continent of beauty, opposites, the eternal sun. The loving couple in paradise, surrounded by exotic flowers and plants. Eve wears her silver snake as jewelry and Adam wears his armor as a symbol of her love against negative and other-minded forces. Love is stronger than anything else in the world.

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